
AngularJS is a JavaScript framework, used in the development of web applications with rich dynamic content, and can be found under the hood of diverse portals ranging from real estate, e-commerce, travel booking, mobile commerce to social networking.

AngularJS icon

The platform combines stability with incredible flexibility, bringing forth the creation of versatile applications. This makes AngularJS the ideal platform for creating modern, dynamic and innovative applications.

Why we love AngularJS at Red Chip:

  • Fully extensible and works well with other libraries
  • Fast, expressive development environment
  • Create new HTML syntax, specific to your application
  • Designed from ground-up to be testable
  • Combines best of deep linking with desktop app-like behavior

Does your project need a team of dedicated AngularJS developers? Are you looking for a short, sharp engagement to give your existing development team a boost? Additionally, we can provide full multi-disciplinary teams of front-end engineers and designers to take on full product builds.

We are experts in AngularJS development. From development, to migration and integration, our team of experts will provide the very best of AngularJS to meet your application’s development goals.

Finding Affordable Web Hosting for Your Website

Red Chip July 13, 2021

Finding Affordable Web Hosting for Your Website

What is Affordable Web Hosting When you are developing a new website, it is recommended that you use a reliable hosting service. This ensures that your website is secure and dependable. Web hosting is the act of owning and operating…

Does Hosting affect your Business Website’s SEO Rankings?

Red Chip March 1, 2016

Does Hosting affect your Business Website’s SEO Rankings?

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Why social media is beneficial for real estate businesses?

Red Chip July 16, 2015

Why social media is beneficial for real estate businesses?

It is no longer a question whether a commercial real-estate company really should have an active social media marketing presence. Remember it was in the 90’s, companies recognized they were required to build a website. No one can possibly imagine…