Adwords PPC Campaigns

Our paid search marketing services will help you achieve defined and measurable goals. We work closely with our clients in ensuring that our PPC campaigns always work consistently for you, the client, rather than for the ad platform provider.

Adwords PPC Campaigns icon

Leveraging PPC and display advertising is an opportunity we believe every business should capitalize on. At Red Chip, we follow a 3-step approach in mangaing any PPC campaign :

Step 1 – Research

Before starting out with a PPC campaign we take time to study your business and it’s operational model. Using this information we then research potential keywords, strategies and also look into your key competitors.

Step 2 – Build

Using the information gathered from the first step we create a bespoke PPC strategy with highly targeted keywords & ad groups that will get the highest quality traffic to your website.

Step 3 – Optimize

Wait, we are not finished! Getting you new PPC campaign running is just the start. We will be continuously monitoring the campaign to refine/expand as necessary so that you get the best CPC & CTR possible.

Google and Bing PPC Campaigns

We pride ourselves on being able to improve almost any campaign and deliver an exceptionally high ROI. We have the technology and expertise to deliver results. And not just with Google AdWords – we manage outstanding PPC campaigns on Yahoo, Bing, Facebook and LinkedIn. We know each pay per click platform inside out and can recommend the best strategy for your business.

Finding Affordable Web Hosting for Your Website

Red Chip July 13, 2021

Finding Affordable Web Hosting for Your Website

What is Affordable Web Hosting When you are developing a new website, it is recommended that you use a reliable hosting service. This ensures that your website is secure and dependable. Web hosting is the act of owning and operating…

Does Hosting affect your Business Website’s SEO Rankings?

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Does Hosting affect your Business Website’s SEO Rankings?

Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is a marketing platform that allows you to attract visitors to your website organically. SEO activities influence your search engine ranking by making it easier for users to find it. Hosting-based factors affecting SEO ranking: Uptime/Downtime Search…

Why social media is beneficial for real estate businesses?

Red Chip July 16, 2015

Why social media is beneficial for real estate businesses?

It is no longer a question whether a commercial real-estate company really should have an active social media marketing presence. Remember it was in the 90’s, companies recognized they were required to build a website. No one can possibly imagine…